No. 34, Abril 2003
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The Lagoa Santa Karst.
Mylène BERBERT-BORN 1-20
Copied from:
Geological and Paleontological
Sites of Brazil - 015
Date: 15/02/2000
Mylène Berbert-Born
Survey of Brazil
SGAN 603 Conj. J
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Brasília-DF 70.830-030
© Berbert-Born,M. 2000. The Lagoa Santa karst. In: Schobbenhaus,C.; Campos,D.A.; Queiroz,E.T.; Winge,M.; Berbert-Born,M.
(Edit.) Sítios Geológicos e Paleontológicos do Brasil.
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Close to the North of Belo Horizonte, Center–South of Minas
Gerais State, is one of the most important Brazilian regions in
terms of carbonatic karstic landscape and in terms of the natural
sciences history: the Lagoa Santa Karst. This region presents
a dense set of typically dissolutive features in association with
a hydrography with fluvial (subaerian) and karstic (underground)
components, developed in pure calcarenites (CaCO3>94%) of the
Sete Lagoas Formation (Bambuí Group) covered, on its major
part, by significative pedological formations. The surficial relief
(exokarst) evolved from the primordial configuration of underground
hydric nets (endokarst) and from an intense dynamics at the interface
rock/soil (epikarst), which integration favoured the appearing
of multiple points of capture of the surficial waters according
primary and secondary basins (coalescent dolines or sinkholes).
At the same time, a strongly irregular covered rocky relief is
conformed, as verified by apparent towers and warts in dissecated
areas. Other common features are the big linear cliffs –
resulting from the dolines evolution – canyons, blind-valleys
and collapse dolines placed in fluviokarstic segments, as well
as large lowered plains sazonally fooded (poljes). The underground
channels net, structurally controlled, is presently connected
to surface in most part, forming hundreds of caves. Paleontological
sites of great value are associated to this environment, with
specimens of the extinct pleistocenic megafauna, and also very
important vestiges of the pre-historic human occupation in Brazil,
among which, bones aging around 12 thousand years described by
Peter Lund as the “Lagoa Santa Man”. The creation
of an conservation unit called Environmental Protection Area (APA)
increases the value of the natural and scientific patrimony and
at the same time looks for to conciliate it with the conditions
of intense urban and industrial development of the region.
The Lagoa Santa region, localized near to Belo Horizonte, the
State capital of Minas Gerais, is an important Brazilian exemplary
of a karstic environment developed in carbonatic rocks.
Its typical and diversified karstic geomorphology shows some special
i) a great quantity of dolines with a variety of sizes, shapes
and genetic patterns, usually limited by linear limestone cliffs;
ii) big outcropping or partially covered rocky massifs;
iii) many lakes with diverse hydric behaviors, associated to the
dolines or in large lowered plains, and
iv) a complex net of underground channels, usually connected to
the surficial relief and, so, accessible to man. This conjunct
of big exposed dissolutive features, together with the small-scale
dissolution forms (karren) and the typical vegetation of the area,
stands out an landscape with scenic merit, and being so, with
touristic interest.
Besides that, the karst of Lagoa Santa has academic importance
due its beautiful examples of integrated dynamic processes of
dissolution, transportation, clastic deposition and erosion at
surface (exokarst), underground (endokarst) and at the interface
rock-soil (epikarst).
The karst of Lagoa Santa also has a special meaning for the Brazilian
people science and culture. It is considered the cradle of the
Brazilian paleontology, archaelogy and espeleology. The pioneer
reserchs is originally justified by the great quantity of caverns.
The region has the greatest number of caves per area as known
today in the country, which preserves many pleistocenic fossils,
including the so-called extint megafauna, and the “most
important traces of the pre-historic human occupation in Brazil,
with rupestrian paintings, tools and bones, whose oldest registers
age around 12,000 B.P.” ( Prous et al., 1998 ).
Another characteristic feature of the Lagoa Santa area is the
intensive anthropic occupation, what implies risk for its integrity.
Besides its demographic expansion, it represents an industrial
and mining center of great economic importance. This conflicting
situation, with a growing endangering of water, vegetation and
relief, was a decisive factor for the establishment of a local
Conservation Unity, named APA Carste de Lagoa Santa (Environmental
Protection Area of Lagoa Santa Karst). The ecological-economic
zoning realized by CPRM/IBAMA, in 1998, may be the start-point
for a development in an harmonious coexistence with the natural
patrimony of the area.
Definition and situation
The Lagoa Santa Karst is a region situated around 30 km to the
North of Belo Horizonte characterized by a dense ensemble of tipically
dissolutive geomorphological features and by a drainage with fluvial
(subaerial) and karstic (underground) components (figure 1).
Most of the karstic area localizes between the Velhas river (to
the East) and the Mata stream (to the West-Southwest) and is limited
to the South-Southwest by the granitic-gneissic terrains of the
crystalline bedrock. The limits to the North are not well defined,
but the karstic perimeter can be referred to the limits of the
Environmental Protection Area (figure 1), covering more than 350
km2 in the municipalities of Vespasiano, Pedro Leopoldo, Confins,
Lagoa Santa, Matozinhos, Funilândia and Prudente de Morais.
Some similar geomorphological and faciological belts extend to
the Northwest towards the city of Sete Lagoas, but they are not
considered as belonging to the Karst itself.
Drainage and relief
The main hydrographic sub-basins are related to the Samambaia,
Palmeiras-Mocambo, Jaguara and Gordura streams (figure 1). The
limits of these basins are not well recognized, because much routes
of the underground flow are still unknown. All this drainage fall
into the Velhas river, which is representing the regional base-level.
The main morfogenetic domains in this karstic region are defined
by two physiographic features described by Auler (1994) in the
center-southern portion of the area: the Karstic Plateau and the
Mocambeiro Depression, with elevations ranging from 650m (the
Mocambeiro plain and Sumidouro locality) to 900m (Ferradores elevation).
Kohler (1989) recognizes rests of the Sul-Americana Geomorphological
Surface (Superfície Sul-Americana) in the high residual
plateaus, marked by elongated and convexed elevations in altitudes
over 800m. The dissecated portions of the karstic plateau are
characterized in two different ways: 1) by a strongly wavy relief,
with pedologic cover, composed by various basins mutually articulated
according irregular polygons (single and coalescent dolines) coarsely
aligned, that conducts the surficial water flux (authigenic) to
multiple points of infiltration (Piló, 1998), and 2) by
areas where big rocky massifs with karren are found. There are
also portions where canyons and blind valleys characterizes fluoviokarstic
segments. Several underground channels are intercepted by the
surface of the relief, and hundreds of caves with different morfology
and dimensions have been lifted. The more depressed areas appear
as relatively large plains, with planned bottom and recoilled
abrupt slopes (poljes), occupied by temporary lakes or channels
of subaerial drainage.
Climate and vegetation
The average temperature in the area is around 23º C, with
a minimum-media around of 11.2º C in the last period of 30
years ( in July ), and 29.6º C the maximum-media ( October
through March ). The relative humidity ranges from 60 to 77% during
the driest and most humid months respectively. The average pluviometry
is around 1,380 mm. The dry period extends for about 5 months,
from May thorugh September, with less than 7% of annual rains,
characterizing a typical tropical pluviometric regime, and a great
concentration of them in summer while winters are dried (Patrus,
The cerrado and the semidecidual stational forest are the main
types of vegetation in the region (IBGE, 1993). The cerrado is
restricted to remainned spots in regeneration or in transition
form (mata-cerrado). In the dolines and around the rock outcrops
the semidecidual stational forest is the main vegetation form.
A decidual stational forest develops over the limestone outcrops
(“mata-seca”) (Piló, 1998).
Geological background
The Lagoa Santa karstic features was developed in neoproterozoic
carbonatic lithotypes of the Sete Lagoas Formation, Bambuí
Group. They outcrop in the far Southeastern portion of the Precambrian
Bambuí sedimentary basin, which belongs to the São
Francisco Craton (figure 2A)
The local geomorphology reflects an stratigraphy marked by the
succession of two different carbonatic units (Sete Lagoas Formation),
underlying very fine grained siliciclastic rocks (Santa Helena
Formation). This sedimentary succession lies in discordance in
the Archaean Gneissic-Migmatitic Complex (figure 2B). The Cenozoic
elluvium-colluvium lateritic-detritic covers which occur as residual
surfaces to the plainning stages also play important role in the
karstic relief structuring here described.
Figure 1: Localization and hydrography of the Lagoa Santa Karst.
Figure 2: Geology. A) Localization of the Lagoa Santa Karst in
the sketch of São Francisco Craton (simplified from Almeida
& Hasui, 1984 and Alkmim et al., 1993); B) Lithoestratigraphic
Map of Lagoa Santa APA (Viana et al., 1998).
The stratigraphy adopted in this paper is the one defined by
Schöll (1976), modified by Tuller et al. (1992), which recognizes
seven depositional facies in the two carbonatic sub-units of the
Sete Lagoas Formation: the Pedro Leopoldo and Lagoa Santa members.
Tectofaciologic variations of the units have been also described
in that last paper, besides the lithofaciological variations,
both of importance in the geomorphological structuring in several
According to those authors, the base of carbonatic sequence is
formed by siliceous or so-named “impure” limestones
with predominance of fine laminated calcisiltites and calcilutites
and frequent thiny clay intercalations. The clastic participation
is more acentuated at the contact with the crylstalline bedrock.
Calcium carbonate grade is always under 90% and can reach 60%
(Campos, 1994; Piló, 1998). This unit can reach 80m thick
(Campos, 1994; Tuller et al., 1992).
A pack of very homogeneous calcarenites occur over the basal carbonates
(Lagoa Santa Member), with CaCO3 grades over 94% and more than
200m thick in some places (Tuller et al., op.cit.). This is the
unit more subjected to karstification. The contact between both
members is very irregular, and can be transicional or interfingered,
with intercalations of till 20m thick (Campos, 1994), or even
rough. The Pedro Leopoldo calcisiltites can occur over the Lagoa
Santa calcarenites, although restrictely.
The transition of the carbonatic to the pellitic sequence of the
Serra de Santa Helena Formation can also be transitional (Campos,
1994), or in discordance to each other (Tuller et al., 1992).
In some places the pellitic rocks rest directly over the basal
The variable thickness of the units, their discontinuities, lateral
and vertical faciologic variations and the differences in their
mutual contact relations are thought to originated from the strongly
irregular feature of the crystalline bedrock that characterizes
the deposicional basin. Is also noteworthy that the paleorelief
of the basin also displayed an important influence on the deformation
arising out of tectonic movement, characterized by low angle transportation
of the supracrustal sequence over the crystalline bedrock (“epidermic”
or “thin-skinned” tectonics) from east to west.
The described sequence is variably deformed and exhibits low-grade
metamorphism, with predominance of subhorizontal structures. So,
the laminations and bandings correspond to the tectonic foliations
coincident with the original bedding, this latter already transposed,
specially in the oriental portion of the area where the deformation
is more intense. The frequent calcitic and siliceous venulation
observed according the transposition foliation reflects the great
mobilization associated to a ductile deformation. The movement
direction is quite well expressed by a very significant E-W mineral
stretch lineation, with a soft dipping to E.
The deformation appears to be more intense at the contact between
each of the units and at the base of the sequence, configuring
inter and intralayers shear-zones, maybe resulting from the bigger
proportion of clayey intercalations functioning as “lubrifying”
agent, favouring the mass transportation.
Disruptive structures are specially represented by families of
high angle fractures (subvertical) whose frequency and direction
are variable over each lithotype and according to the structural
or deformational domain. One may note that in the non-homogeneous
basal limestones the structures associated to a ductile tectonics
are better expressed, as the plane-parallel to wavy laminations.
In the superior gross-grained and homogeneous limestones the structures
are more of the rigid type, fracturing being specially important
and decisive in the configuration of the present relief. Among
the main ensembles, the E-W, N30-40E and N10-20W directions appear
as the most prominent, but variations can appear according different
structural domains as mentioned before. Some major vertical slip
or oblique faults have been identified, and they are resposible
for the individualization of the structural blocks and for the
alignment of the slopes and groups of dolines (Campos, 1994).
The units appear covered in general by colluvium with variable
thickness, that can reach 50-80m, according to drilling cores
collected in the area (Campos, op cit.). The biggest thicknesses
are found over the siliceous limestones of the base of the sequence,
many times forming large plains sazonally floody.
Historical Background
The many archaeological records indicate an human occupation in
the region back to at least 12,000 years ago (Prous et al., 1998).
Bones, indigenous rocky artefacts, ceramics, bonfires traces,
engravings, and rupestrian paintings, are found mainly in caves,
shelters and by the cliffs.
Populations succeded occupying caves and shelters densely and
permanently (Prous et al., op.cit.), cultivating the soils and
using the waters from the lakes present in dolines. When the first
“european expeditions” arrived in the area, around
1675 with Fernão Dias Paes, a rapid fragmentation of the
local indian societies happened, specially because of the presence
of alluvium gold (Piló, 1998).
Later men returns to their relation with the caves due the salpetre
economic interest in the gunpowder fabrication (Gomes and Piló,
1992). This brought to the discover of animals and human bones
which called the attention of the naturalist researchers of that
time. From 1840 on records of the first systematic explorations
and studies in the caves realized by the Danish scientist Peter
Lund appear in literature. His researches projected Lagoa Santa
region in the scientific world, especially for the suspition of
contemporanity of the pre-historic population known as the “Lagoa
Santa Man” and the extint fauna, an pioneer idea at that
time (Prous et al., 1998). Lagoa Santa became the “cradle
of the Brazilian archaeology and paleontology”.
Many other naturalists and travellers registered the landscape
atributes of the area after Lund. The archaeological and paleontological
researches promoted by the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro in
the decades of 1920 and 1930, the studies of the Minas Gerais
State Academy of Sciences along 20 years, and the American-Brazilian
(decade of 50) and the French-Brazilian Mission (during the 70’s)
expeditions are among the most important. Lanari, Padberg-Drenkpol,
Aníbal Matos, Arnaldo Cathoud, Josaphat Pena, H.V.Walter,
Hurt and Blasi, Souza Cunha, Paula Couto, Laming-Emperaire are
some of the most notable researchers in the area. From the French-Brazilian
Mission, the researches start to be conducted by Museum of Natural
History of the Minas Gerais Federal University, under A. Prous
and C. Cartelle. In the field of the geomorphological studies,
Tricart, Barbosa, Journaux, Coutard and Kohler appear among the
most important scientists.
The sudies done in the area, also comprised descriptions of the
caves environment, their morphology, clastic and chemical sediments,
and relations with the upperground landscape. For this reason,
the region is also considered the “cradle of the Brazilian
speleology”, specially because of Lund precursory studies.
In 1937, the foundation of the first Brazilian society of speleology
is registered– the Excursionist and Speleological Society
SEE – associated to the Ouro Preto School of Mines. They
start the first specific works on exploration, mapping and description
toward the compreenhesion of the underground features of the terrains.
During the 80’s, several academic studies on geology, geomorphology,
hydrogeology, limnology and paleoecology are registered in monographies,
dissertations and thesis. Some speleological groups also make
important actions. During the 90’s, multidisciplinary environmental
projects were developed by governmental institutions (such as
CPRM-Geological Survey of Brazil, CETEC-Technological Researchs
Center of Minas Gerais State and IBAMA-Brazilian Institute of
Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) in partnership with
municipal administrations, based on previous experiences brought
with the construction of the international airport of Tancredo
Neves, in Confins.
The pressure of the economic development, vital to the region,
in an area of recognized physical fragility and of great scientific
and cultural value, culminated in the stablishement of an Conservation
Unit (Federal Decree no 98,881 of 26/01/1990). The premisses for
a sustainable coexistence are already determinated trough its
ecological-economic zoning.
The Lagoa Santa region presents terrains of karstic geomorphology,
with an irregular relief concave-convex type resulted from dissolution
of carbonatic rocks and from the hydrographic structuration with
important underground components.
So, typical features are shown in surface (exokarst) and in underground
where a net of channels with variable dimensions and shapes is
articulated constituting the endokarst. Such channels are accessible
in surface, where they appear as caves, one of the most representatives
features of the area. A third domain is represented by the interface
rock/soil called epikarst. In all these domains there are specific
components in different scales which must be considered for a
better characterization of the environment as a whole.
Is should be emphasized the strong mutual vinculum among the surficial,
subsurficial and underground features, since the subterranean
dynamics has a determinant role on the configuration of the surficial
relief, at the same time that the forms present in surface are
fundamental for the water circulation and for the sediments moving.
The dynamics of the dissolutive processes in the karstic domain
has a reflex of especial meaning in the configuration of the Lagoa
Santa landscape, according to Piló (1998).
Several physiographic units and subcompartments have been individualized
in the region (CETEC, 1987; Kohler, 1989; Auler, 1994; CPRM, 1994;
Piló, 1998): the Gorge and Abysms with High Cliffs unit;
the Ouvalas Belt unit; the Karstic Plateau; the Poligonal Karstic
Plateau; the Residual Planaltic Highs; the Dolines Plateau; the
Matozinhos-Vespasiano Plateau; the Covered Karstic Surface; the
Phyllitic Surface; the Lagoa Santa Lowered Surface; the Fluvial
Plains; the Karstic Plains; the Mocambeiro Ouvala; the Riacho
do Gordura Megaouvalas with Lakes; the Sumidouro Polje.
The units that better characterize the regional compartimentation,
bringing together the dominant features in genetic relation with
the hydric system are those defined by Auler (1994). Among them
the ones which describe the karstic features are:
The Karstic Plateau
It defines the areas with a strongly irrregular topography in
altitudes of 850 and 700 meters, where occur great concentrations
of the main karstic features, such as the outcropping massifs,
the linear cliffs, towers and warts with karren. Dolines are very
frequent, specially the dissolution and subsidence (alluvium)
types. In this compartment appear the Gorge and Abysms with High
Cliffs, the Ouvalas Belt and Dolines Plateau units individualized
by Kohler (1989) and Kohler et al. (1998) (figure 3A).
Fields of dolines characterize the karst developed in areas covered
by soils of variable thickness. They often form bigger basins
articulated according a celular net of irregular poligons with
surficial radial centripeter drainage and many multiple points
of infiltration situated at the bottom of the dolines (sinkholes).
One important exemplar of this configuration is the Macacos-Baú
Poligonal Depression (Piló , 1998). According to Piló
(op. cit.), most of the dolines of that region have their basins
limited by limestone scarp. They are asymmetric half-circled,
with flat or funilated bottoms. Circular or oval dolines with
asymmetric slopes, with no rock outcrops are also frequent.
Expressive ensemble with groups of dolines and rocky massifs exposed
or semi-encovered also appear in the region of Lapinha, Lapa Vermelha,
Cerca Grande and Jaguara areas, Poções and proximities,
the Ciminas mining region, the Cauaia farm and Gordura areas (figure
3B). Some fluvial systems are present in combination with the
underground hydrologic systems, which are responsible for the
modelling of canyons and blind valleys as the ones in the Poções
region, where collapse dolines are also common.
Some important alluvium plains in valleys of backward slopes are
also considered components of the Karstic Plateau, as some portions
of the Palmeiras-Mocambo, Samambaia, Jaguara and Gordura streams.
The Samambaia stream plain deserves to be outstanded in this domain,
and to be even individualized, to represent one important basin
of discharge of the waters captured in the surrounding plateaus,
conducted to the great depression of the Sumidouro lake (Sumidouro
polje), near to the regional hydric base-level represented by
the Velhas river.
Karren, are furrows and reentrances of milimetric to metric scale
also considered as an particular karstic feature that seem to
differenciate from region to region. In the Lagoa Santa Karst,
some of the most notable forms of dissolution are those developed
along the horizontal foliation or bedding (schichtenkarren), conforming
lenticular or oval notches (figure 3C), usually a few centimeters
to few decimeters size, frequently repeated, and sometimes concentrated
along specific horizons. Vertical notches (rinnenkarren) are also
common (figure 3D).
The Karstic Plateau geomorphology is strongly vinculated to the
occurrence of the pure homogeneous limestones of the Lagoa Santa
Member. One distinctive characteristic among the relief developed
over the calcitic calcarenites and the siliceous calcisiltites,
although capped by pedological mantles, is the shape of the slopes
of the hills which, according to Campos (1994), is gentler over
the siliceous limestones in comparaison with those on the calcisiltites.
Another notable aspect is the alignement of the linear cliffs
and dolines, coincident with the directions of the main family
of subvertical fractures present in the calcarenites (Beato et
al., 1992; Berbert-Born et al., 1998; Piló, 1998), indicating
the important control of these structures in the configuration
of the local exokarstic hydrography and geomorphology. There are
some known cases in which the vinculation is with the zones of
high angle faults, as the Lapa Vermelha escarpment and an adjoining
belt of coalescent dolines that extends in NW direction (Campos,
Figure 3: Characteristics of the Lagoa Santa exokarst. A) Geomorfological
compartimentation of the APA area (Kohler et al., 1998); B) Jaguara
massif region; C) Joint karren (schichtenkarren) and D) vertical
notches (rinnenkarren).
Covered Karstic Surface
Are areas with a thick soil mantle over the limestones, that limitates
very much the expression of the karstic forms. Such covers occur
mainly at the occidental and meriodional portions of the area.
The Phyllitic Surfaces cover large extensions where carbonates
underlie metapellitic rocks. In this domain there are sugestive
occurrences of karstic features which can derive from deep karstification
of the carbonates.
Mocambeiro Depression
It corresponds to a large lowered plain with altitudes around
700 meters, boundered by hills with abrupt slopes and big rock
outcrops. It is placed on an argillaceous mantle which covers
the siliceous carbonates of the basis of the carbonatic sequence,
according to drill holes made in the area (Campos, 1994). It is
also described as a polje.
It represents the more dissecated region of the karst, with periodic
flooding following large and gentle dolines. It functions as the
local hydric base-level where the discharge of another great part
of the waters collected and drained in the Karstic Plateau areas
is directed to. In some places there are residual rocky massifs
with small associated caves and shelters, classified as “hums”.
In the Lagoa Santa Karst it is possible to recognize an irregular
rocky relief underlying a soil cover that delineates the general
geometry of the high and medium-high slopes of the surficial relief.
According to Piló (1998), the epikarstic relief is marked
by two expressive features: i) the major ruin-shaped of towers
and ii) covered karst karren types. Parcial outcrop of the residual
features in the slopes profile conforming the so-called “warts”
can also be found.
Piló believes that the dissolution must be quite accelerated
in this interface rock/soil, where there is an important action
of the enlarged fractures in the diffuse hydric recharge that
happens in the establishment of a labyrinthitic pattern of the
endokarstic forms (conduits) and in the dynamics of its feeling
by sediments.
The caves – and their chemical and clastic deposits –
are the most important representatives of the Lagoa Santa endokarst,
together with the “fissures” or small channels that
also make part of the endokarstic net, fundamental in the water
dynamics and as habitat of a special fauna.
Inside the limits of the APA area there are 387 caves registered,
reaching 500 if the adjoining around is considered, the Sete Lagoas
municipality included. Considering the existence of meaningful
non-prospected areas, those numbers serve to give an idea of the
potenciality for new discoverings.
No other locality presents such density of caverns, which turns
it a true “espeleological park”. The diversity of
situations, morphologies and combinations offer a complete and
complex figure of the karstic nature in small spaces of area.
The regional speleological context shows a predominance of small
caves mostly less 500 meters of extension. Caves over 800 meters
long stands out in the whole, as Baú, Boi, Irmãos
Piriá, Rei do Mato (touristic), Buraco do Medo, Cerca Grande,
Lemniskos, Morro Redondo and Cascata II caves. The biggest registered
occurrences are the Gruta da Escada, with 1822 meters long, and
Lapa Vermelha I, with 1870 meters long. Morro Redondo presents
the biggest total difference in levels, about 75 meters, with
a 52 meters span that ties two levels morphologically distincts
of the cavern. The Tobogã, Salitre, Morena and Lapa Nova
de Maquiné caves, situated few kilometers to the North
of APA, are also regionally important, the last one being specially
relevant by historical and touristic aspects.
A great variety of speleothem types occur in the diversity of
small cave environments of the region. The caverns with larger
profusion of speleothems are those already open to the tourists:
Maquiné, Rei do Mato and Lapinha. Rei do Mato keeps extraordinary
specimens of columns and stalagmites (figure 5A and B), beautiful
calcite flowstones and expressive aggregate of stalactites. Calcite
flowstones and curtains are the great attractions in Lapinha (figure
Ensembles of stalactites, stalagmites, columns, calcite flowstones
and travertine dams of small to medium size (centimetric to decimetric)
are common in the other caverns, as well as coraloids forms (like
“cauliflowers”), which cover large extensions of the
enclosing rocks. Are also common calcite crystals called “tooth-of-dog”
and helictites. The travertine dams are shallow in general and
occupy large areas along the low-angle slopes. Travertine microdams
are a common variety, texturing other speleotems surfaces (figure
5D). Deep travertine basins are unusual and are found in the Baú,
Escada and Poções caves. Also unusual are the big
stalactites over 4 meters long such as those present in Lapa Vermelha
I and in Paredão da Fenda III. There are isolated occurrences
of cave pearls, volcanos, aragonite curtains, gypsite leaves and
needles ( figure 5E), calcite flowers, triangles and circles.
Figure 4: Localization of the caves and of the main ensemble
of karstic features of the Lagoa Santa Karst.
General characteristics of the caves
At the surface the caverns appear in several different situations,
associated to many types of dolines, scarps and rocky massifs.
There are some aglomerations that, together with the surficial
forms, vegetation and water bodies, complete special landscapes,
some of wich increased by historical and cultural meaning. This
happens with the Cerca Grande Karstic Ensemble, Poções
Archeological and Scenery Ensemble, Cauaia and Gordura massifs,
Porteira de Chave ensemble, Lapinha massif, Mocambeiro and its
residual massifs plain, Sumidouro lake, Lapa Vermelha region,
Experiência da Jaguara ensemble, Macacos-Baú massif
and dolines on South of Ciminas quarry. The first two areas are
specially protected units.
Figure 5: Aspects of Lagoa Santa endokarst - speleothems: A)
Speleothems in the main chamber of the Rei do Mato touristic cave;
B) Stalagmites and columns in Rei do Mato cave; C) Details of
curtain in Lapinha cave; D) Travertine microdams in the curtains
surface; F) Gypsite needle in the Intoxicado cave.
Geological conditioning
A first distinction of shape, arrengement, distribution and frequency
of the channels and caverns is made by the faciologic differenciation
(lithologic and tectonic) of the carbonatic sequence where the
karstic relief emerge.
Most of the caverns develop in the homogeneous calcarenites of
the Lagoa Santa Member, where is the typical surficial karstic
relief and the main underground hydrological systems. Statistically,
there is preference of conduits belonging to different hierarchies
for certain directions coincident with definide families of fractures.
The underground galleries are bigger and more frequent in the
N75-85E and near N-S directions (figure 6A) (Berbert-Born et al.,
1998). It is expected that the nearly E-W fractures be structures
really more apt for an initial enlargement, once they must represent
the main group in the region, arising out of extension tectonic
processes (Beato et al., 1992). The preferential development of
the conduits in the N-S direction is concordant with local patterns
of dolines alingnment that, according to Piló (1998), can
reflect the influence of the subhorizontal foliation sofly dipping
to the East.
The verticalized geometry of most of the transversal sections
of the galleries (figure 6B) is an expected feature by the influence
of the subvertical atitudes of the fractures. Cases in which the
channels appear in a perfect labyrinthitic net coincident with
the articulation of the fracture groups are very common, such
as the Escada, Cerca Grande and Lapa Vermelha caves. In other
situations in non-reticulated galleries, rectilinear portions
or even sinuosities clearly imposed by that type of structure
are recognized. So the sections with horizontal tendency are restrict
to situations in which the foliation or lamination is locally
more expressive or in calcitic concentrated levels (remobilized
The impure calcisiltites of the basal sequence (Pedro Leopoldo
Member), with frequent pellitic intercalations, are composicionally
less favorable to karstification. The cavernning occurs in special
situations, along the inferior and superior interformational contacts
where deformation is intensified. At the inferior contact it is
related to the lesses permeability of the crystalline bedrock,
which forces a longer time of the water residence and its circulation
in the overlied limestone. The best example of this is the Irmãos
Piriá cave. The incision tends to be lateral with progressive
widening, characterized by the displacement of the thin tabular
blocks, induced by the strong ondulated foliation and by their
own argillaceous intercalations.
Where the deformation is stronger and more generalized, the mineral-stretch
lineation observed in the planes of the aproximately E-W subhorizontal
lamination has a significative control in the openning of small
channels, reenterings and circular or oval roles. The Gruta da
Lapinha keeps characteristic examples of that, just as illustrated
by figure 6C (Berbert-Born et al., 1998).
Nevertheless the bigger generic characterization of the caverns
in terms of their lithostratigraphic and structural configuration,
there still is a great morphological diversity resulting from
the local hydrological variants.
The Karstic Plateau is a region of great hydric dynamics of capture
and transmission of the pluvial waters towards the local base-levels.
In some fluoviokarstic segments of the area there are caverns
typically configurated by the rapid and turbulent flux of the
underground rivers, showing sinuosity character with rectilinear
portions, and galleries vinculated to different tributary hierarchies
that are active drainage for a short cut of time usually. So,
there are caverns which configure small portions of a drainage
net, with actually “disconected” segments in consequence
of relief dissecation. The main occurrences are in the Poções
But most part of the caverns in this physiographic domain is associated
to the dolines, speacially those bounded by the limestone scarp.
Their opennings can be at the base of the cliffs, at the present
bottom of the dolines or above it. They function as present or
past points of capture (sinkholes) of the basins drainage or they
are associated to active and non-active basin floodings.
There are several examples of presently dried caverns situated
above the bottom of the dolines, showing lateral opennings at
“half-high” of the scarps, such as in the Escada cave.
In these cases, it is common the development of little extensive
and irregular caverns at the foot of the cliffs in the bottom
of the doline, functioning as present capture of the waters drained
in the basin. One may note examples that register the progressive
evolution of one type to another.
Some of these caverns in the bottom of dolines correspond to later
conections of the relief with a subterranean system previously
conformed. In other words, they are subsidence dolines evolved
from an installed underground net. In general, this type of situation
occurs according doline groups in mutual proximity, characterizing
multiple points of surficial capture, someway conected in the
Figure 6
According to Auler (1994, 1995), lakes in dolines are determinative
for labyrinthitic (reticular) planimetries of caves, with a anastomosed
tendency, in dependence of the local limestone structuring. However,
the caverns associated to this type of condition show a complex
morfology resulting from the polycyclic hydrologic variations,
marked by superimposed features.
There are good records of different superimposed evolutive phases
in the Baú, Escada and Lapa Vermelha caves, among them,
conditions of water level fluctuation, different phases of sedimentary
filling intercalated to the prevailing chemical precipitation,
traces of paragenetic processes, vadose re-incision by drainnings
from the slopes of dolines. As for the incidence of combinations
of different genetic agents it can also be cited the Lavoura,
Morro Redondo and Poções caves (Berbert-Born et
al., 1998).
Figure 7: Detailled features of the Lagoa Santa Karst. A) Laterally
disposed windows at half-high of the Cerca Grande rocky massif,
each one conducting to underground galleries mutally parallels,
and panoramic view of the massif; B) Lapa Vermelha entrance in
summer, with persons as scale at the center and base of the opening,
and detail ot the entrance in winter.
Other types of caverns are the exclusive result of the more chemically
aggressive, although still dispersive, of the intersticial waters
that percolate the rock discontinuities in a descendent slow flux.
They are little sized in general, sinuous to rectilineous, without
great intercommunications but with big density of occurrence.
They commonly are in the high massifs such as the Poções
and Lapinha, although such processes also compound the evolution
of the other cavities. Furthermore, the action of these waters
can get to surprinsing magnitudes when remodelling completely
the profiles of the galleries walls, besides being the principal
agent in the elaboration of the secondary chemical precipitateds
In the Depressão de Mocameiro unit (Mocambeiro plain),
the more significative caverns generaly occur at the base of the
rocks residual to denudation boundered by the outcropping phreatic
water. In face of the low hydraulic gradient, labyrinthitic galleries
are articulated with sections of horizontalized profile due to
the expression of the solubilizying processes along the water
surface. They are caverns in complete present conformation, as
the caves at the base of the Jaguara massif. In the massifs and
“hums” there also exist caverns located in a certain
high above the present
outcropping water level, some of those materializing past water
Different phases of sedimentary deposition are registered in many
caverns in the region. One remarkable aspect is the association
among clastic sequences and levels of chemical precipitation.
The sediments are mainly made up of breccias with argillaceous
components, sands, pebbles, rock fragments and speleothems in
very variable proportions which offer vestiges about the deposicional
Piló (1998) identified three distinct sedimentary deposits
under stalagmitic covers in Baú cave, with rests of extinct
fauna. Over each one erosive process have incided, that determine
a great remobilization and leaching of materials, under vadose
regime. U/Th age determinations on the stalagmitic concretions
samples indicate active deposicional cicles between 135 and 60
thousand years ago. For the chemical depositions , conditions
of more humid climates were interpreted.
Evolutive considerations
The evolutive model of the Macacos-Baú depression proposed
by Piló (op. cit.) expresses the main stages of the dynamics
of the regional geomorphology development.
Comparing the estimated local rates of the deeping velocity of
the dolines (altimetric relation between the stalagmitic covers
U/Th age determined and the present bottom of the dolines) and
the total difference in levels of 210 meters between the Sul-Americana
residual plateau and the lowest point in the studied region, it
was possible to estimate in 1.9 M.a. as the maximum age for the
beggining of the incision of that surface, although the dolines
have an accelerated dynamics of evolution in the general context
of the landscape formation.
The model defends the configuration of an underground drainage
before the constitution of the karstic relief, evolving to a relief
of closed depressions (the beginning of the dolines formation)
with the gradative encrease of the conections of the endokarstic
systems (Low Quaternary). Many caverns that outcrop today should
be related to these primary systems under phreatic regime.
The conformation of the sinkholes has permitted the flux of a
great volume of detritus as debris flows and hydrous fluxes, marking
a period of a very active morfogenesis, probably related to episodes
of intense rains under a sparse vegetation cover. Expressive volumes
of channels were generally filled, and that could be induced,
in posterior cicle or cicles, “sectorized” paragenetic
development of galleries. A long period of greater stability and
reduction of the clastic flux followed that phase, and this has
permited a chemical sedimentation over the clastic sediments,
what can be related with the expressive climatic change, with
the local base-level deeping or with the impediment of the hydric
circulation due to the sediments fill. Later, there was erosion
of the deposits atributed to another period of intense rains.
All this phase of clastic filling, followed by checmical precipitation
and a posterior process of erosion is dated older than 135 years
ago, based on a stalactite developed under one of the stalagmitic
concretion which overlies an important clastic deposit. Other
less energetically intense clastic and chemical depositional period
happened, associated to events of vadose incision of the galleries
and sediments previously deposited (at least three episodes of
chemical sedimentation have been identified). In the sediments
underlied stalagmitic concretions aging near 70 thousand years,
vestiges of a extinct megafauna are present.
The increasing of the endokarstic conections, induced even by
the epikarstic evolution, must have facilitated the transportation
of the covering materials, justifying the conformation of the
secondary dolines superimposed to the profile of greater slopes,
during the terminal Pleistocene, according a new period of higher
humidity, recorded by pollens and age determinations of the lake
Holocenic processes would be expressed by the enlargement of the
dolines, covering depressing, introduction of more material in
the endokarst, block falls in the limestone cliffs and generation
of new stalagmitic covers even over pre-historic human vestiges.
Since Lund, a great number of informations have been generated
in the fields of paleontology and archaeology, the bigger interest
being on the “Lagoa Santa Man” and the populations
that succeded him. Many of the paleontological founds resulted
from the archaeological researches (Cartelle et al., 1998).
There still is an enormous potentiality for systematic paleontological
researches, considering the great number of small caves almost
unknown and their deposicional characteristics. Among the paleontological
material already revealed stand out the components of the extinct
Pleistocenic fauna, such as the giant sloths, “tooth-saber”
tiger (figure 8), lhamas, horses, giant armadillos and mastodons.
Nowadays, the paleontological studies are resctricted to the researches
of the Catholic University of Minas Gerais and Museum of Natural
History of the Federal University of Minas Gerais.
The Lagoa Santa archaeology has it importance not only for its
role in the history of that science in Brazil, but also for its
antropo-biological revelations, for the environmental changes
vestiges in the Holocene period, for the records of the man fixation
in the area and his surviving, as well as for the traces of pre-historic
technology (lythic , bone, shells, wood and ceramics industries),
according to Prous et al. (1998). Studies already completed made
possible to define a general overview of the regional human occupations
and their limitations. Besides that they have permitted the visualization
of the symbolic world of men in pre-history, specially the funerary
rituals and the “rupestrian arts”.
The existence of many sites with “parietal grafisms”
elevates the Lagoa Santa region to the status of one among the
most important “rupestrian provinces” in Brazil. Special
important are the informations about the cronology of the paintings
and the recognizing of several stilistic units. For the first
time in Brazil, rupestrian paintings had a “semi-absolute”
age (minimum age) determination when paintings were discovered
below levels of occupation dated by radiocarbon method. The first
drafts aged early as 6 000 years.
The oldest known vestiges are “bones dated by coals aging
between 10.200 and 11.680 years”, age also confirmed in
a recent determination on humic acids after-death penetrated in
a person’s bone (Proust et al., 1998).
Around a hundred of pre-historic sites, among rock shelters and
open-sky sites are recorded by the Archaeological Sector ot the
Federal University of Minas Gerais. Besides the number of sites,
it surprises the quantity of existing material, among which around
80 individuals have been discovered during only one of the researches
done in the region (Prous et al., op.cit.).
Note that some portions of the area, particularly the North and
Northeastern ones are almost unexplored by archaeologists, so
being promising for the discovering of new “key-sites”
for science.
The archaeological and paleontological material is groupped in
scientific and didatic collections of well known institutions,
and also in private collections. A lot of material was taken outside
Brazil by Lund. Stands out the collections of the Kopenhagen Museum
of Zoology (Denmark), the Museum of Man in Paris, the National
Museum (Rio de Janeiro), the Museum of Natural History of the
Federal University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte), the Museum
of Mineralogy of the Federal University of Ouro Preto, the Center
of Archaeology Annette Laming-Emperaire (Lagoa Santa), the Technological
Researchs Center of Minas Gerais State (CETEC/MG). As private
collection may be cited the Archaeological Museum of Lapinha.
Figure 8: Two fossils collected by Peter Lund in Lagoa Santa
(in Cartelle et al., 1998): A) Complete skeleton of a giant sloth
(6 meters long); B) Complete skeleton of a “saber-tooth”
tiger (2 meters long).
Most of the caverns have suffered or are suffering direct or
indirect interferences of anthropic activities. The more common
and notable are the ones of aesthetic order such as: speleothems
breakage, scribblings and rubbish accumulations. However, there
are other serious damage to the caverns, although less evident
to the common observer. They result from the slow transformations
or come from less perceptive components, but no less importants,
such as the fauna, the sedimentary deposits, the water activity.
The impregnation of the surfaces by grime from fires or other
corrosive substances, the algae growing induced by artificial
lightening, the covering of areas by mobilized sediments, flooding,
drying, alterations on water physicochemical and biological composition
and modifications on the natural drainage that alter the cicle
of activity of the speleothems, the natural evolution of the forms
and the development of the fauna.
Mining activity is responsible for many of these impacts, since
it removes vegetation and soil, inducing the detritus arrival
and modifying the conditions of the water flux. The transit of
the machinery, the explosions and the chimneys emissions which
generate several types of dust and the detonations shock are possible
impactant agents. In this case the damages have a punctual character,
but drastic. There are isolated cases of harmonious coexistence
between this type of activity and the speleological sites, cases
of irrecoverable damages and cases of imminent riscks.
Because it is more extensive, agricultural is perhap the greatest
impactant agent, facilitating the soil removal and nutrients carrying
out to the caverns. Besides that deforesting exposes the caverns
openings, modifying the internal atmosferic conditions and attracting
a large number of people. Without the natural protection of vegetation,
the frequent pre-historic paintings and other archaeologic vestiges
become more subjected to the weathering action.
The generalized broken of walls and floor concretions of the caverns
is very common, resulting from exploitation of the calcitic concretions
mainly in the proximities of the openings, as well the “residue”
of the excavations in search of archaeological pieces and pre-historic
bones. There also was the time when saltpeter was exploited as
gun-powder raw material. The historical and cultural significance
comprises successifull and not so successifull scientific explorations,
some of them definitly harmful because of the absence of appropriate
methods employed.
Figure 9: Rupestrian paintings in Lapa do Ballet: anthropomophs.
In conclusion, the speleological patrimony ís
high vulnerable to destruction for its localization in a populous
and industrial area, and is moderatly damaged already wtih some
critical cases. The intense depredation arised out of the visits
themselves points to the necessity of a project of environmental
education to the local inhabitants. The more viable and efficient
way of conservation is the fiscalization by the own inhabitants,
once they are conscious of the value of the natural patrimony
where they live. It is also wholesome the maintenance of the native
vegetation at the proximities of the caverns openings or, in other
words, close to the massifs, rocky cliffs and dolines, what means
the conservation of the external landscape proper (Berbert-Born
et al., 1998).
The reduced size of the caverns is a factor restrictive itself
to the touristic visitation, since the natural environment is
not capable of holding a great number of persons without strong
interferences, being frequent the situations of discomfort and
risk. On the other hand, the dense agglomeration of the caves
is a very interesting aspect with touristic appeal.
The “conventional” touristic utilization as such happens
in Maquiné, Rei do Mato and Lapinha caves, to where the
visitor goes with the intention of admiring speleothems and large
chambers, seems to be exhausted. Viable alternatives turn to be
those related to the “speleological routes” with educational
purposes towards the illustration of the karst dynamics, the biota
and the human occupation.
Such way of visitation does not require great adaptations to what
is offered by the environment itself, but little improvement in
the access perhaps. The natural imposition is the visitation by
small groups of people accompanied by trained and instrumented
guides in ccompatible number, what means the necessity of low
investments. The routes, on their turn, must have technical approvement
after rigorous avaliation of the points to be visited, being necessary
to observe the susceptibilities of what is going to be opened
to visitation, the fauna and the risk factors to the visitors.
This evaluation must indicate the ideal number of persons and
the periodicity of visitation, the necessary procedures and the
restrictions (Berbert-Born et al., 1998).
In synthesis, any iniciative in this way requires a management
Critical reading, suggestions and backing of Dr. Luís Beethoven
Piló was crucial for this paper elaboration, as well as
the bibliographic material conceded by Dr. Heinz Charles Kohler.
An profound acknowledgment to these both researchers. And also
to Carlos Oití Berbert, always an fundamental person.
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